Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hey! Angus & Milo, here. Yesterday we got two huge bones. At lunchtime Ros called us over and she said that she had a big spoil for us. So we quickly got up and ran over to see what she wanted. This is what we saw. Ros told us that they were bought from a special place called the butchers. We bet it's a place where bones are sold just for doggies and people who have dogs can come to buy them. Ours had been split down the middle so we could get to the marrow. Yum, our favourite part.

Oh my dog! How exciting is this? We quickly went outside for our bones. Well we got outside and ran down the back which is where we get our bones so as always we had to sit first. I was a bit naughty this time and got up and tried to take it before Ros said i could but she didn't let me get away with it. So I was made to sit back down and wait again. As soon as I was a good boy I got my bone very quickly.

Being a good boy waiting for my bone.

Being very cheeky trying to take my bone before I was allowed too. Milo was very good though and stayed sitting the entire time.

After we heard the magic word we snatched up our bones and went to find a prime bone eating area.

Off we went with our bones. I chose a spot near a mulch heap but my bone soon got covered in leaves and twigs.

No, this will not do at all. I got Ros to clean it for me then after that I took it to a different spot and sat down and began to enjoy my bone. Milo had found a good spot straight away and was already really enjoying his bone.

So yummy.

Having a great chew of my bone. These bones gave us at least two hours chewing enjoyment and still had enough meat left on them today to give us another hours enjoyment. Here are a few more photos of us enjoying our spoil.

So we loved chewing our bones today and once we had finished we came inside for a big sleep. We can't wait until the next time we get a bone spoil.


  1. Yummy!!! Those are really big bones that look delicious! Lots of love, Holly & Mom

  2. Hi guys! My mommy needs to go to the place you call the butchers. Those look delish!!

  3. Angus, the photo of you waiting like a good boy is completely adorable! Glad you and Milo enjoyed such a tasty treat!

    -Chandra at Daley's Dog Years

  4. Awesome! What a great day. :)

  5. hi angus and milo , hamish here ,you lucky boys they are giant size bones i. bet it was hard to be patient before you got to munch on them you boys must be able to bite hard have fun bye

  6. You guys are sooooo lucky, those bones are as big as us! They taste so much better once you get them covered in mud and twigs don't they? Dex & Lou x

  7. Good for you to love raw bones as much as you do because some dogs don't appreciate them at all (or maybe it's the dog owners who don't appreciate the possible mess dog bones can leave on the floor)! Daisy loves them too!

  8. YUM! You lucky boys :D Those are huge bones, that is so nice of the butchers to cut them down the middle so you can get the marrow - We're going to see if ours will do that!

    We are happy at the moment though, cos our humans have just swapped us to a raw food diet, we get raw meaty bones every day!!!

    Both of your teeth must be pearly white after chewing a bone for that long :)

    Licks and lots of slobber,
    Lexi and Jasper the Danes



Hi Jet and Arli here! Sorry we have been away for so long but we have told our human it's time we returned so we will start by telling y...