The sign at the beginning of Robbins Lane named after the family we were staying with. So off we headed for our walk down Robbins Lane and just like Lathams Lane it was surrounded by beautiful native vegetation and even had a few wombat burrows skirting the outsides of the road.
Doesn't it look like a fantastic place to go for walkies? Off Ros and I headed down Robbins lane for another fantastic walk. We had been walking only for a little while when we spotted another doggie coming towards us. He was a black and white border collie. He was a friendly boy that came straight over to say hello.
After saying hello we both had to keep going on our walks. We kept walking for a while when Ros decided it was time for photos and there were lots of these little beetles in Bairnsdale so when she went to take a photo of my handsome self Ros noticed one on my tongue. 
After ros removed the bug from my tongue we contined on with my walk down robbins lane. We stopped for a little while to get some photos of the stunning country side plus I found my first wombat burrow thanks to my excellent scenting abilities.
After we stopped to have a look around at the scenery we continued on with our walk again. We walked and walked and walked for ages until Ros decided to get more photos of my handsome self and if I say so myself, my lovely chocolate coat came up very well against the green vegetation in the background.
After the photo taking was over we headed back towards Annie's Cottage. Once we got back I headed straight for a drink as I was quite thirsty after all that walking. After having a huge drink I went to have a sleep.
I had been sleeping for what didn't seem very long when Ros returned and said we were going on another walk. This time we were going to explore the paddocks that surround Annies. We of course asked first just to make sure that was ok with the people who owned the land and they said we could go anywhere we liked as long as we shut all the gates that we walked through so their sheep couldn't run off. I promised them that we would and they said go have fun. Wasn't that nice of them? Isn't the view pawsome ?
We headed off on our walk through the paddocks. This time Ros' sister Steph came with us on her horse called Mitch. Mitch is a chesnut thoroughbred and this was his first holiday too! He had a fantastic time as well.
We all went on a great adventure. We had been walking quite a while when we came across some sheep that were in one the paddocks. We stopped to have a look at them . 
After looking at the sheep for a few mintues we continued on with our walk. In the paddocks there were lots of huge gum trees and almost all of them were over a hundred and fifty years old.
We had been walking for a long time when Ros decided to turn around and head back towards annie's cottage. We were heading back when Ros stopped to take my photo.
After photo taking was over we began walking back towards annie's cottage. Once we got back I went straight over to the horse water bowl and had a huge drink.
After my drink I went to have a long and deserved rest. I hope you have enjoyed hearing about my holiday. I had a fantastic time and I have my paws crossed that one day I get to go on yet another holiday with my humans.