Hi Milo & Jet here! Welcome to part two of our beach adventure. Well, picking up where we left off Jet was still very busy playing with his new fur friend Domino the Dalmatian.
As Domino and I were playing Milo came racing over to join us. Then we all enjoyed racing through the waves together.
As we were all busy playing together another new fur friend appeared. He was an Akita x German Shepherd and he came over to ask if he could join our pack and we said yes. Then there were four of us running and playing together. We were beginning to attract attention from all the other beach people who soon took out their cameras and phones. We had become doggie celebrities!!
While we were busy chasing each other through the waves and across the sand two new friends turned up. They were a fifteen month old Dogue De Bordeaux and a Kelpie x. They soon came and joined our little group while all our humans enjoyed watching us make friends. They talked with each other about how often they all come to the beach and other doggie related questions. Once we all gotten used to each other the fun began.
After splashing amongst the waves together we all noticed Ros had found a stick so we all came over to tell her to throw it for us. She did. We all raced off to get the stick.
Jet was very proud of himself when he emerged with the stick and he went around to all the humans to show them how clever he was. Then, he came back to Ros. Chasing after the stick for a while we all decided then to have a race down along the beach.
While all us big doggies were busy playing with each other our humans were busy saying hello to a very small doggie. He was a twelve week old english springer spaniel pup and this was his first time at the beach. I came over for a quick hello and he seemed to be in awe of my size.
After Jet had a talk with his new tiny friend we all decided more stick fetching was in order so we all grouped together and went to find some sticks for Ros to throw.
While Jet & I were busy chasing run away sticks something in the distance grabbed Jet's attention and he raced away to join in on the fun.
Our wrinkly faced friend had joined paws with a golden retriever and so jet went over to make friends. The golden retriever's owner was throwing a tennis ball so that was an added excitement!
While Jet was playing ball I was making a new friend of my own. A cute little French Bulldog with a very interesting face.
Well after meeting this little fellow our humans started thinking about going home as we had been there for two hours and even Jet had slowed down!!! They started packing up all our gear and once the humans had done that we all posed for a family photo. We think we all look very good.
Well we were just about ready to leave when we both spotted something in the distance so we went to see who it was. Turns out it was a deerhound doggie so went over to introduce ourselves.
After saying hello to our last friend of the day we came back to Ros and we were put on our leads and taken back to the car. As soon as we jumped in we passed out and slept all the way home and for the next two days straight!!! We hope you have enjoyed hearing about our beach adventure. We heard that our humans have plans to go back there a few times before summer ends so we have our paws crossed that we see all our friends again. Bye from Milo & Jet.
Goodnight |