Monday, February 11, 2019


Milo's humans here! It is with great sadness that we are letting you know we had to say goodbye to our beautiful Chocolate Bear Milo last Friday.  Up until earlier last week he had been doing so well and enjoying life with his siblings Jet and Arli.  Then on Thursday he took a huge down hill turn, so we knew he was telling us that it was his time. It was very sad to say goodbye to our very special chocolate man.  Our very kind vet came to our home and first gave him a very heavy sedative which took all his pain away and he then fell to sleep,  whilst we showered him with hugs and kisses. After we had a lovely few minutes with him he was sent off on his last big sleep and I'm sure he was very happy to be reunited with his best friend Angus at rainbow bridge, and no doubt he will have some great stories to share.  So we say goodbye to our very special boy and send many hugs and kisses from your human family.


Hi Jet and Arli here! Sorry we have been away for so long but we have told our human it's time we returned so we will start by telling y...