Thursday, October 28, 2010


Hey Milo here. Today we got presents! We were very excited when Ros's Mum arrived home as we knew there was something for us. We could not wait to see what is was. Well, it was new collars! I had a beautiful red leather collar until yesterday when it fell apart which was very upsetting. I had owned it since I was young boy but unfortunately it decided it was time for it to go to collar heaven.

See how at the end its broken? That's where the buckles used to be. So our new ones are very fancy, they're reflective and adjustable. I got a purple collar and Angus got red.

Aren't they cool? The paws and the bones are the reflective bits! Here we are modelling them. Don't we look cool?

Dosen't the red look good against my coat?

Don't I look so handsome?
Then it was Milo's turn to model his new collar.

Doesn't he look handsome?
Then after all the excitement and modelling was over we decided it was time to have a rest. After all, being a model is hard work!

Good night everyone.


  1. Those are beautiful new collars! And you both look very sporty in them. I bet that purple one would go really well with my new purple leash!!

  2. Nice looking new collars! The colors look great on both of you. :)

  3. You both look very handsome!

    Nubbin wiggles,



Hi Jet and Arli here! Sorry we have been away for so long but we have told our human it's time we returned so we will start by telling y...