Saturday, October 2, 2010


Hey, Angus here! Yesterday Milo and I went to the oval as it was such a lovely day. It was 21 degrees!! The perfect weather for a walk.

Isn't it such a beautiful day?
We got there and the fun began. First we played chase.

Here we are playing chase.
Then we had fun having a sniff around.

We had been there for a while and were getting a little hot so Ros quickly found some nice shade and we all had a nice sit down and relax.Plus we got a nice big drink of water.

I'm having a drink.

Waiting for my turn!
So after our drinks we went to have a rest in the grass.

Having a rest!

Oh what's that?
After a rest we had cooled down lots and we had some fun chasing each other again. Then we had another rest.

Then Ros decided it was time to go home.So we were ready to head home when suddenly Ros stopped and let us off again.What was she up to? Well, there were lots of nice dasies everywhere so Ros wanted to take some pictures of us among the flower.

Aren't the flowers so beautiful? Ros said we did a great job of posing for the camera.

Aren't we so handsome?
Well we had a fantastic time out yesterday and where tired when we got home but we can't wait till our next adventure.



Hi Jet and Arli here! Sorry we have been away for so long but we have told our human it's time we returned so we will start by telling y...